They just got a different tool to use than we do: They kill innocent lives to achieve objectives. That's what they do. And they're good. They get on the TV screens and they get people to ask questions about, well, you know, this, that or the other. I mean, they're able to kind of say to people: Don't come and bother us, because we will kill you. Bush - Joint News Conference with Blair - 28 July '06

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Alastair Crooke: Former MI6 on Muslim-West dialogue

aljazeera: Alastair Crooke is a former official with Britain's MI6 intelligence agency who has worked in some of the world's most dangerous hotspots. He spent many years in the Arab and Muslim world and engaged in dialogue with Hamas and Hizb Allah, as well as facing paramilitary forces and drug cartels in Latin America and militias in Africa.

Now retired and leading his own non-profit organisation, Conflicts Forum, Crooke hopes to foster a broader dialogue between the Muslim world and the West. spoke to him on the phone while he was in Lebanon recently. Read Interview

db: This interview is highly recommended