'Al Qaeda Website' Openly Hiring New Recruits
Other vacant positions that al Qaeda hopes to fill are a video programmer and a researcher for news on Muslims worldwide.
The 'Global Islamic Media Front' said it's PR department would follow up the applications and communicate with candidates through private email messages.
Al Qaeda did not indicate the different ranks of the vacant positions. Instead, it said, "Every Muslim should know that his life is not his own; it is the property of this violated nation for whom men have shed their blood. No other issue should take precedence over work for the Umma (Community of the faithful within Islam); it is an obligation for every Muslim."
According to the message posted by the Front, each applicant should turn to God for guidance and pray before submitting his applications. Link
db: Could be a great career move by the sound of it. Apparently 'new hire' takes place at a beach resort in the northern Caribbean. They got their own jets and everything. Book early!
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