They just got a different tool to use than we do: They kill innocent lives to achieve objectives. That's what they do. And they're good. They get on the TV screens and they get people to ask questions about, well, you know, this, that or the other. I mean, they're able to kind of say to people: Don't come and bother us, because we will kill you. Bush - Joint News Conference with Blair - 28 July '06

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Will Iran be next? A question on the minds of many since the Iraq 'success story'

Some people think it should be next. Unfortunately, there's a lot of "Chalabis" among Iranian 'exiles' who are pushing for another step in the "march of freedom". Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi and her husband Elio Bonazzi are a couple with a story that would surpass any Hollywood melodrama [resembles "The Graduate" - over a span of 22 years].

The interview titled The Tears of Iran was their way to express what is best for Iran and Iranian people. Reading it one should not forget that they haven't stepped on Iranian soil for 26 years.

Let's not pick on the editorial mess of this interview, which left me puzzled - who is speaking what, and does "unison" mean that they typed it in a duet? But I must admit the interview left me puzzled on much more important questions.

As I understand it, the main point of this interview is that ignorant westerners are incapable of understanding Iran, but nevertheless they should intervene [probably bomb it] in order to "help" Iranians to get rid of a regime which came to power by popular revolution in which EB participated actively.

This respected couple is complaining about "cultural imperialism" but on the other hand are ready to watch [sitting on the fence] the imposition of it on their country of origin, because otherwise the "irrational mentality" of the Islamist establishment [who don't love their children as implied*] is going to "destroy the infidels and their corrupt world".

As I understand, if we are to believe the interviewed couple at face value, since they don't offer any proof for it, the majority of the population under 30 years of age [70% of total population] in Iran hate the regime they are living under**, and are eager to await American bombs with open arms [are they going to throw flowers on the "liberating forces" and dance on the streets, just like Iraqis did?]. I would like to know what percentage of that 70% is so poised against regime, and if they constitute a majority of the overall population how come they can't overthrow the regime by themselves? They did it once 26 years ago [with EB's active participation]. If the mullahs are as unpopular as this couple claim then why don't the Iranians chase them from power?

Revolutions and coups in general are about who can mobilize more thugs and bullies on the streets to lead the disenfranchised [so called "critical mass"], and about how many officers of the repressive apparatus are going to "switch" [and when]. They are natural results of the tensions in society, and happens when people can't take it any more. Being a "revolutionary" EB should know that.

However, those tensions can be manipulated and "popular uprisings" can be anything but that*** - after all Kermit Roosevelt did one hell of a good job manipulating tensions in Iranian society back in 1953. As a direct result of that manipulation we have today's regime there. EB should know that as well.

If I understood right this young couple of emigrees claim the time has come [in stark contrast to NIC estimate****] for another intervention of that kind, but since there's no American embassy [CIA nest] in Tehran intervention is probably to come in the shape of Tomahawk missiles [tactical nuclear weapons not excluded].

Well, I seriously doubt that kind of "help" will be appreciated by a substantial percentage of Iranian population. However, some Iranian "Chalabis" will gloat over it - and wait to jump from the fence and claim their prize.

Iran to Iranians! But let's not forget - all nations have the rulers they deserve.

P.S. BZB&EB [singing in duet]....."Islamism is a culture of death, which clashes with civilization, as we know it." How much more ignorant [and "western"] can they get? This must sound like music to Bush & Blair.

* By the way, the eloquent pop singer Sting was wrongly quoted. He never claimed that Russians love their children [too]. He was merely asking and hoping "If the Russians love their children too"

** "however difficult it is for Westerners to hear and accept that" - I don't understand why it would be difficult to understand and not to cheer about. Is this couple implying that westerners have admiration for the regime?

*** In recent history we had a bunch of "colour coded revolutions" on the outskirts of Europe, all with a little help from the USA [Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine, even some clumsy attempts in Azerbaijan]. For the first two it can be said that they already failed the expectation of people, the Ukrainian revolution is going the same way rapidly.

**** National Intelligence Council

db: We are pleased to have received the above article from bojan in response to Regime change in Tehran, unfortunetely we are still awaiting a compelling argument for the opposing view.