They just got a different tool to use than we do: They kill innocent lives to achieve objectives. That's what they do. And they're good. They get on the TV screens and they get people to ask questions about, well, you know, this, that or the other. I mean, they're able to kind of say to people: Don't come and bother us, because we will kill you. Bush - Joint News Conference with Blair - 28 July '06

Friday, September 08, 2006

Gordon Brown on ID cards, GWoT, and 'courageous' Blair

Gordon Brown today writes for Rupert Murdoch's Sun 'news' paper in an attempt to pacify sponsors of the neo-Labour project by showing his 'metal' in relation to the GWoT, his continuing devotion to the 'courageous' Blair, and his willingness to take Britain further down the road towards a police state. Whilst we don't have a problem with 'standing shoulder to shoulder' with the American people - as opposed to US sleaders [sleazy leaders] - it's rather sad that Brown has gone out of his way to come across all Blairite.

Clearly Brown and Blair did a deal earlier in the week and the Sun exclusive is part of a campaign designed to convey to the world - most importantly the career makers [and breakers] in Washington and News Int. that should Britain get lumbered with Gordon as PM the Neoconservative torch will not flicker. And no, he isn't too concerned at this stage of the game that Brit voters have had a gut full of blindly following the US in all matters concerning security/foreign policy. That comes later when he needs a vote.

How much of this he actually means we don't know. But if I were a Labour Party member I would assume that he means all of it - and back someone else.

Excerpt: In a few days, I will visit New York, and reaffirm to the American people that Britain - under the courageous leadership of Tony Blair - stands now as then, shoulder to shoulder with them.

...When encrypted data takes weeks to decipher and thousands of email and phone contacts need to be checked, all across dozens of countries, it is obvious to me that the police need more than 28 days to investigate. So - as well as money - we must ensure our police have the powers they need.

...We must also strengthen our border controls and enhance our ability to identify suspects before they have the chance to strike. So, alongside the national ID card scheme, our next step must be the introduction of biometrics in new passports and visas, and the screening of all passengers.

And besides targeting the terrorists themselves, we must win the battle for hearts and minds in their communities.

Not quite sure what he means by 'their communities' - or why he has left it so long to suggest that an alternative to killing everybody might be a good idea.