They just got a different tool to use than we do: They kill innocent lives to achieve objectives. That's what they do. And they're good. They get on the TV screens and they get people to ask questions about, well, you know, this, that or the other. I mean, they're able to kind of say to people: Don't come and bother us, because we will kill you. Bush - Joint News Conference with Blair - 28 July '06

Sunday, July 23, 2006

US open to NATO-led force in Lebanon: Bolton

Washington Post

The United States is open to a NATO-led force keeping the peace on Lebanon's southern border with Israel, although using U.S. forces has not been discussed, a senior Bush administration official said on Sunday.

Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz said his country could accept a NATO peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon to ensure Hizbollah is removed from the border. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had earlier said calls for an international force were premature.

"It's a new idea, we'll certainly take it seriously," John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said in a taped interview with CNN's "Late Edition." Read more

db: Yes it's brilliant alright. Send in the stupid Europeans to bloody their hands. If Bolton is backing this - arch neocon - be very very suspicious