Report details plan for US manipulation in Kyrgyzstan
[..] "To minimize Russian influence on the course of elections we ought to urge opposition parties to make appeals to the Russian government concerning non-interference in internal affairs of the KR." [yes, thats the US ambassador talking]
[..] "I advise focusing on discrediting the present political regime, thus making Akaev and his followers responsible for the economic crisis. We should also take steps to spread information on probable restriction of political freedoms during the election campaign"
[..] "It is worthwhile compromising Akaev personally by disseminating data in the opposition mass media on his wife's involvement in financial frauds and bribery at designation of officials. We also recommend spreading rumors about her probable plans to run for the presidency, etc. All these measures will help us form an image of an absolutely incapacitated president."
db: Would be comic if the subject matter was less threatening to the future of mankind etc.. Link to full report
May pay a dividend to read in conjunction with 'The US National Defense Strategy'
31-3: See followup denial and further comments Link
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