Bush, of all people, talks 'press freedom' re Russia
Nearing the end of a five-day reconciliation visit to Europe, Bush also prepared for a showdown Thursday with Russia's Vladimir Putin in Bratislava, the snow-covered capital of Slovakia.
Bush said he was concerned about Putin's restrictions on press freedom and other steps amounting to a retreat from democracy. Still, Bush emphasized he did not want to harm "a close relationship with Vladimir." Link
DB: Different histories, different cultures, same aims. Whether 'journalistic freedom' in a corporatized, consolidated media exists in the US is subject to much debate. Most of that debate is not heard by the public, due to a corporatized, consolidated media. So see 'Orwell rolls in his grave' - trailer of the movie; which hasn't received much attention, due to the corporatized, consolidated media. Currently there is a Torrent available of the full version, which may be the only chance you will get to view, due to the..........
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